We Believe:
We Must Know
• That the Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God given to us for direction in how to live.
• That there is one God – eternally existing as three persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
• That Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God and only Savior for mankind. He was virgin born, crucified, died and was buried, then rose from the dead and ascended into heaven. He will one day visibly return to the earth with power and glory.
• That forgiveness of sin and the assurance of salvation is found through faith in Jesus Christ alone.
We Must Grow
• Growth in Christ-like maturity occurs through the study and application of Scripture and yielding to the Holy Spirit’s control in our daily living.
• Growth occurs as we love, encourage and use our gifts in serving together. We all have purpose and need one another.
• Growth is nurtured as we faithfully meet together for worship, the teaching of the Word of God, prayer, mutual encouragement and service.
We Must Go
• As children of God, we are privileged to go into our community to share the message of Christ’s love and salvation.
• As children of God, we are not an island to ourselves, we are better together when we partner with other local churches in our community in reaching it for Christ.